We are pleased to announce that Taylor DeBar, MOTR/L is the newest addition to Rebound’s Hand Therapy Program. Her primary clinic location will be Rebound’s Redmond Clinic.
Originally from Michigan, Taylor graduated from Grand Valley State University with her Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy. Taylor first became interested in hand therapy while working throughout graduate school as a Rehabilitation Technician. Upon graduation, Taylor transitioned from a Rehab Tech to a full time Occupational Therapist where she enjoyed working with the upper extremity and assisting her patients return to their daily activities and hobbies.
Additionally, she attended continued education courses in kinesiotaping and manual therapy techniques. Taylor also has experience as a Lead Therapist at a pediatric outpatient clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. As a Lead Therapist, she developed policies and procedures, trained staff, and mentored new therapists. It is Taylor’s goal to become a Certified Hand Therapist and gain more advanced training in complex splinting techniques and manual therapy.