Rebound: Please state your full name and height. Please remember this is not an interrogation.
Stewart: Stewart William Wilent. 6’7’’
R: What are you studying in school right now?
S: I’m currently finishing up my bachelor’s degree in kinesiology.
R: Let’s start with the basics. What are the Highland Games?
S: Traditional Scottish games that men would go out and play. Strength and throwing events. Similar to what you would see in track and field.
R: How did you become involved in the games?
S: A professor I had at COCC used to compete in the games. After taking her classes she recommended a coach who was ranked number one in the world and it piqued my interest. One thing led to another and I have now been competing two years.
R: What is your favorite event?
S: I would have to say the Hammer Throw.
R: Please share with us your proudest moment at the games?
S: During my first ever competition I ended up taking third place. However I think I am most proud of the fact that I am improving every time, and I’m excited to see how far I go with this stuff.
R: Do you have to be Scottish to compete?
S: No, anyone can compete and novices don’t have to wear kilt.
R: Have you ever been to Scotland?
S: Not yet.
R: Would you like to?
S: I would love to go someday. I have a trip tentatively planned before I die.
R: A question we’ve been hearing a lot lately is “what do the athletes wear under their kilts?” Any chance you might enlighten us?
S: Compression shorts.
R: What’s something you’ve learned training for and competing in the Highland Games that you can apply to everyday life?
S: That physical strength and power isn’t everything. You need to diversify your skills. You have to be quick and sharp.
R: Any other thoughts? Shout out to sponsors, plug a charity?
S: John Odden is my coach and owner of Empowered Strength. He has been a tremendous help in getting me to this pint. As far as a plug I’m just trying to raise awareness (about the Highland Games) and bring competitions to Bend.